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Futura Genetics

Futura Genetics is a digital health platform, powered by genomic data, for the use of life insurance clients.

For life insurers - we provide personalized and effective tools to extend their customers' life expectancy, thus increasing retention and decreasing claims. For life insurance clients - we provide a gamified and personalized experience using their personal DNA, that motivates them to act upon their health. Life insurance clients that use our system are more engaged and live a longer, healthier life.

For one year I was responsible to design a new experience and new responsive UI for their webpage.
Here's a little bit of what I made this time that I spent with them.

01 Problem

Futura Genetics had a landing page but it wasn't delivering the full information about the service and the platform to the clients and possible users.

02 Work

We spent one year planning and redesigning all the pages that we already had and also started to design new pages that would be responsible to give our clients more information about our product and how to use it.

03 Solution

We created new pages that were responsible to inform all the diseases that our product tested and also made a new section on the website where we are supposed to inform in details how our report looks like and what information the clients could find there. Also we upgraded our FAQ page to be more consistent and complete with possible questions and doubts about the product.

New Homepage

Optimised FAQ

New Blog

Customer Testimonials

Understanding the report

Report - Mobile
